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Standings for SMYFL use the Crabtree Formula, which is the same system used by the Maine Principal's Association (MPA)

The formula for each team's score is:

((Wins by your team / Games played by your team)
((Wins by opponent #1 + Wins by opponent #2 + Wins by opponent #3 ...)


  (Games played by opponent #1 + Games played by opponent #2 + Games played by opponent #3 ...)))
x 100

Note that when a division has a BYE week, when a team has the BYE week, that does NOT count as a game played

Example Season

This screenshot shows the 2023 season with two divisions, Atlantic and Mountain, winners of each game are highlighted in  gold . The Atlantic division had an odd number of teams, so they have a BYE week in their schedule:

The above schedule breaks down into the following statistics for each team:


Resulting in the following Standings:


Crabtree Standings Explained

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