We will be kicking off the new year with our annual meeting on January 27, 6:30 PM, at the Ramada in Saco (directions at the bottom of this page). The meeting will be held in the Conference Center which is in the back of the hotel.
We will be electing new officers for the board of directors, reviewing the 2020 agenda, discussing bylaws and subsequent feedback from the previous year, and more. Additionally, we have some potential new members for the 2020 season that will be in attendance.
It is imperative that we have full attendance; in the event you are unable to make it, please be sure to send a qualified representative from your organization.
Also, please take a look at your contact information on the SMYFL site. If you have any updates, please let Dana know (president@smyfl.com).
Please let Dana know (president@smyfl.com) if you have any questions, agenda items, or bylaw review items.